This year, 2024, is bringing us a new season of ministry, I sense that the Holy Spirit is getting ready to do some unprecedented things in Muncie. Victory Temple will have a significant role to play in this move of the Spirit. What is it? I will lay out for you a Word of Wisdom for this hour that we are entering.
There are a number of good local assemblies in Muncie with great pastors. The pastors come from a number of different faith families (often called denominations or networks). You can’t blame them for the stance they have taken over the years which includes putting up fences of credal protection. Most have a “Statement of Faith!” These statements enumerate what the group holds in common pertaining to their particular understanding of Bible doctrine and precepts. Some are quite lengthy. They don’t want to leave anything important out. Others are very succinct and sometimes even vague. They don’t want to leave anybody out. The former want to make sure that each constituent has agreement on important issues and thereby create a unity around those truths. The latter wants unity so strongly that they don’t want to throw up any roadblocks to the seeker when they are first confronted with the need for salvation.
I am not including in this discussion those churches, and there are more than you think, that have decided that Jesus is not the only way, the Bible is not the Word of God, The power of the Holy Spirit is not for today, or Holiness is a relative concept, or that Love is a permissive platitude! Nope not including the so called, "woke!"
Back to the Churches that attempt to operate scripturally but have a somewhat different MO. Where does Victory Temple fit into this new season. Where does Pastor Rick’s ministry connect with these churches? What does unity look like? How will the Holy Spirit bring revival with such diverse techniques and strategies? Can anyone find a balance?
The Word of Wisdom says that I am to take a balanced view of God’s Word equipping people that come to me or connect with me with the tools and weaponry they need to be effective and victorious.
To Muncie at large it must be clarified that we can let God be God. If Yahweh decided that he has found hunger here or there, He will not ask you or me if he can fill those hearts that are seeking Him. I don’t feel that he will make them fill out an application where all their beliefs are exactly the same as the church down the road. Furthermore, I don’t think he is going to wait till each disciples knows everything or agrees on every point.
This does not mean that each local assembly can’t strive to teach those that have committed to it the Scripture and its doctrine to the best of their ability. Each local assembly should continually seek God’s best with pastoral leadership.
The people of God need to connect to a local assembly in which the Holy Spirit places them on purpose for a purpose. There will be some realignment. We must accept that the people are God’s people. Sometimes people will relocate. This should not be a matter of division or strife. Neither should it hurt our feelings to the degree of permanent scaring!
Each church will have its focus, the things they excel in, and their primary role for the city. That focus is what they should find and be content with. Other assemblies will look and feel somewhat different. We can all accept the contribution of the other graciously.
There will always be challenges. There should still be borders. But there should always be balance.
My role as a minister of 35 years in the community is to exude balance in understanding, doctrine, and practice. My focus in ministry is prophetically equipping those that acknowledge my gift and seek my counsel, advice, or in the case of members of Victory Temple, my teaching and prophetic discipling!