Fast 2025/ChurchAlive in 2025
Option One -
Week 1: January 4-10 3 (or less) meals consisting of chicken or fish and sides, no desserts, no snacks, (Be as restrictive as you can)
Week 2: January 11-17 3 meals consisting of vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts, no meats or desserts. No sugared drinks (real juice is ok), no snacks, (Daniel Type)
Final Week: January 18-24 (6PM) 2 meal, same restrictions as week 2 (Consider a complete food fast for 1-3 days)
Option Two -Do something every day, i.e. give up a meal, sweets, pop, bread
• A day of Daniel Fast before the fast begins.
• Grocery shopping with the fast in mind.
• A mindset of humility and repentance!
• Daily personal prayer (prayer guides by request)
• Pray for nation, revival, church, family, vision, maturity, and growth (Romans 12:1-2, Improvement).
You are entering a season of MIRACLES!
Draw near to God/ He will draw near to you. (Ja. 4:8)