Sheep without shepherds? Many today are professing Christians with no particular attachment to a local assembly of believers. Here at Victory Temple we have two that feed us and watch for our souls as the Bible says. This year we are finding the equipment we need to do our task through the equipping ministries of Rick and Ruth Bowen. We are also armoring up for spiritual warfare! The spiritual weaponry we need is always available at Victory Temple. These two leaders will help you do what God has called you to do. Please come and give them an opportunity to speak into your life!
In November of 1988, Ruth and I had arrived in Muncie to assume a pastorate left by a great man, Harry Slattery. Probably our heads were in the clouds, but hopefully we were not so heavenly minded that we were no earthly good.
Over the years many have come and gone from the church that we have pastored in two locations. We have seen many baptized and discipled after the Lord Jesus Christ. Lessons have been learned and relationships have been forged. Some that left moved to other states, some got married and went to other churches, some thought they should move on for one reason or the other, some died, and of course tragically some backslid.
Nevertheless we persisted, being people of resolve and valuing our relationship to God foremost, we sought to obey him. Sometimes battered, sometimes bruised, sometimes bettered we pressed on. Many strategies were employed and many programs implemented.
Today is December 17, 2020. We are in the middle of an altercation in America the end of which will determine our trajectory for the next four years. We are contending for the current president to remain in office with the expectation that he will and that America will have a Great Awakening.
It is also apparent that our time here in Muncie is approaching the end. I don’t mean tomorrow. We do have a few more years. How many? I won’t say at this time. But it is definitely less than ten. So why should I say anything if I don’t know exactly. It is because I want those that want to join with this ministry and get several years of instruction, inspiration, and equipping to come now and go with us the rest of the way.
I believe that we have much to offer. Much teaching is yet to be set forth. Much prophecy is yet to be uttered. I believe that there is a prophetic people emerging that will usher in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am not asking for those that just want to be along for the ride.
If you are reading this now, it could be that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and saying you are one of those that this short treatise is meant for. If so, let me know and let’s go to higher heights and deeper depths than we have ever known. I would hate for you to miss out because I believe it is going to happen quickly. The time of urgency is upon us. Let’s take it seriously but enjoy it immensely.